JackyQiuinEAMStreamPart 1 — Maximo Automation Testing through Selenium with Python — Dev Environment Setup and SSO…Maximo Automation TestingSep 812Sep 812
JackyQiuinEAMStreamCustomized Inbound Message Processing Logic for Maximo Enterprise Service through Automation ScriptIf you don’t have Medium account, you can read this blog through this friend link.Jul 621Jul 621
JackyQiuinEAMStreamIntroduce Maximo Enterprise Service to Accept Inbound Messages from Other SystemsIn my previous blog Maximo Publish Channel for Sending Outbound Messages introduces outbound message from Maximo. How Maximo can accept…May 724May 724
JackyQiuinEAMStreamMaximo Asset/Location Hierarchy QueryIn Maximo, Asset / Location hierarchy is a pretty standard data format for asset and location management. The following is an example of…May 110May 110
JackyQiuinEAMStreamIntroduce Maximo Publish Channel for Sending Outbound MessagesMaximo Publish Channel is part of Maximo Integration Frame (MIF) to send outbound message / data from Maximo to external system. This…Jan 1610Jan 1610
JackyQiuMaximo Login Error “loginerror.jsp?group=system&key=NoLogin”Recently I tried to install Maximo Spatial package to a Maximo instance. After the Spatial package was installed, I tried to login Maximo…Apr 14, 20231Apr 14, 20231
JackyQiuinEAMStreamIntroduction of Maximo NextGen Rest APIs — Part 2 Update Maximo DataIn this blog, we will have experiment on how to update Maxim data in through NextGen Rest APIs.Mar 30, 20236Mar 30, 20236
JackyQiuinEAMStreamIntroduction of Maximo NextGen Rest APIs — Part 1 Query Maximo DataI received couple private messages from audiences for my previous blogs relate Azure IoT integration with Maximo to ask for more detail on…Mar 28, 20236Mar 28, 20236
JackyQiuinEAMStreamTurn Your Lego EV3 Robot to Azure IoT Device — Part 1 Connect to IoT Hub through MQTTIn my previous blogs, introducing how to build a python IoT device simulator sending IoT device sensor data (for example, temperature…Mar 23, 202310Mar 23, 202310
JackyQiuinEAMStreamTurn Your Lego EV3 Robot to Azure IoT Device — Part 2 create work order in MaximoIn previous part 1 blog, we demonstrated how to connect Lego EV3 to Azure IoT hub through MQTT, and send EV3 color sensor data to IoT hub…Mar 23, 20231Mar 23, 20231